MobHUB - Mobile Content Hub Script

MobHUB - Mobile Content Hub Script

Mobhub is responsive, well designed, SEO friendly, lite weight mobile
content hub script which allows you to discover, upload, share
ringtones, wallpapers and live wallpapers on the internet.

Mobhub has been made with a custom MVC framework which uses minimal
depencences and by the way it's liter, quicker, sable, simple and easy
to use.

As I've said it uses minimal dependences and by the reason uploading
of mobhub script to ftp server is more satisfaying couse it does not
contain a lot of unnecessarry files which would take too much time to

Mobhub has too many featurs which you can see to the demo website and to read about bellow.


  • Nice responsive design
  • Device friendly
  • Easy to use
  • Customisable
  • Possible to add themes (I has the only theme now)
  • Drag and drop file upload
  • Upload wallpapers, ringtones and live wallpapers
  • Add tags, descritpion… to content
  • Content loads without refreshing the page
  • There are two types of categoris (categories for ringtones and categories for wallpapers)
  • Where are some content filters
  • All
  • Ringtones
  • Wallpapers
  • Live wallpapers
  • Popular
  • New files
  • Most rated
  • Most viewed
  • Most Downloaded
  • Most Disrespectful
  • Most Shared
  • Of all time
  • Of Today
  • Of month
  • Of week
  • Of quarter
  • Of yeah
  • Sort by Ascending
  • Sort by Descending
  • View & looking through
  • Play ringtones without leaving the page
  • Play live wallpapers on hover (mouseover)
  • Add content to favorites or remove from favorites
  • Share
  • Play
  • Download
  • Comments
  • Like
  • Dislike
  • It shows statistics about: views, shares, likes, dislikes…
  • Search (we can quicly search content and filter the search results)
  • Comments
  • We can comment to content
  • Reply to content
  • Pin/Unpin comments as on YouTube
  • Hide comments
  • Block users by comment
  • Edit comment
  • Delete comment
  • Filter comments
  • Moderation
  • Auto moderation
  • Manual moderations
  • Notifications about moderations
  • Notifications
  • Personalized notifications
  • Real-time notifications (Users receive real-time notifications about liking, comments, moderations, replies and etc without refreshing the page)
  • Notifications dropdown
  • Notifications page
  • Membership
  • Login
  • Registration
  • Password reset
  • Validated forms
  • GD2 Captcha for security reasons
  • Member level
  • Moder level
  • Admin level

Live Demo

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