Football XT v1.0 - football live score, fixture, leagues, live tv and more


Football XT v1.0 - football live score, fixture, leagues, live tv and more

Football XT v1.0 - football live score, fixture, leagues, live tv and more

Football XT is project is made in latest version of Flutter. So that it can support all latest android and ios oparating system.

Features :

- Splash Screen
- m3u8 link play
- m3u8 link play funtion hide and show by json
- Live Matches
- Fixture by date
- Recent match
- Recent match details
- Recent match full statics
- Live Matches statistics
- Matches highlights
- Matches head-to-head
- Over 850 Leagues include
- Added custom top and popular Leagues in home page
- All leagues full details
- League fixture
- League live match filter
- League recent match details
- League ranking
- League top scorer
- Players list
- Players statistics
- Players infos
- AdMob Ads : banner ads and interstitial ads
- Facebook Ads : banner ads and interstitial

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