EasyPlex v1.7 - Movies - Live Streaming - TV Series, Anime


EasyPlex - Movies - Live Streaming - TV Series, Anime

EasyPlex v1.7 - Movies - Live Streaming - TV Series, Anime

MVVM with Android Architecture Components Dagger 2 for Dependency Injection Clean code Auto Import Movie & Serie & Upcoming Informations MP4 WEBM MKV FLV HLS/M3U8 Powerful Admin Panel With VueJs Easy to reskin Material Design. UI optimized for phone and tablet App support Movies, Series, Streaming, Animes Movies List Inside Player.

Features :

  • MVVM with Android Architecture Components
  • Dagger 2 for Dependency Injection
  • Clean code
  • Auto Import Movie & Serie & Upcoming Informations
  • Powerful Admin Panel With VueJs
  • Easy to reskin
  • Material Design.
  • UI optimized for phone and tablet
  • App support Movies, Series, Streaming, Animes
  • Movies List Inside Player
  • Interstitial Admob
  • Facebook Audience Network
  • UnityAds
  • Appodeal
  • StartApp
  • Powerful UI: Beautiful and modern design.
  • Register Page – Ability to register a new account.
  • Login Page –Ability for users to log in
  • Search Page – Added ability to search for videos
  • Toasts & Alerts – Added ability to display alerts, Toasts, success, errors, loadings, and more.
  • Paypal & Stripe payment gateway
  • Privacy Policy Page
  • About Us Page
  • Search Page
  • Genres Page
  • MyList Page
  • Wifi-Only (ON/OFF) 
  • Notifications (ON/OFF) 
  • AutoPlay – (ON/OFF) Play Next Media (Movie or Episode)
  • Subtitles
  • Trailer Preview

Live Demo

Click Here To Download


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